Download PhotoScape |
Download PhotoScape for PC
PhotoScape is a software that allows a user to view, edit, and print photos on their system. A user can also add frames to their photos for printing and viewing. It is a full suite for photo viewing and editing and allows creation of slideshows which can be shown at gatherings or just simply shared between family and friends. User can download free PhotoScape here. This software was last updated in January 2015 and has had no releases or updates since then. It is available as a freeware for Windows platforms starting Windows XP. It is also available for Mac bases systems.
Technical Specifications
Title: PhotoScape for Windows
OS: Windows 10, Windows Vista, Windows, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows XP, Mac OS.
Language: English.
License: Free
Author: Mooii
What are PhotoScape’s Features?
Feature Full Software: PhotoScape comes with a large number of features and is rich with functionality useful for photo editing and viewing. A user can crop a picture in straight as well as circular borders. Various filters are available that can be applied on a picture. A good feature is bulk edit when the same settings are applied to a set of pictures. This saves precious time when similar actions are to be performed on a large number of pictures.
GIF maker: To share animated content on the Internet, the file size has to be small and preferably in GIF. Edited pictures can be weaved into a GIF format having customized transitions. This makes a slideshow perfect for online sharing and viewing.
Filters and Effects: PhotoScape has a large number of filters which can be applied to photos, individually or in bulk. Each photo can be previewed before the changes are made permanent. This allows a user to check the effect of multiple filters on a picture and select the most appropriate one. Each effect is customizable and can be tweaked using a slider bar. The slider bars adjust different parameters including brightness, color saturation, intensity, RGB, etc. The preview mode allows a user to view all changes made to an image prior to it being finalized.
Convenient and Simple GUI: PhotoScape is an easy-to-use software for both beginners and advanced users. Its lightweight, works smoothly, and provides all features conveniently on the main screen. This makes it a great experience for using it. The home screen has icons for various tools arranged in a circular fashion.
Tutorials: PhotoScape provides tutorials and other special pages for reducing the learning curve of new users.
New Features: New features include smart blur brush, black & White filters, Bandicoot filters, increase in brush sizes, and 19 new film effects, for images.
What are PhotoScape’s limitations?
The software is user friendly but has redundant controls. The controls available on the home screen are also accessible using the tabs at the top of the interface.
Where to download PhotoScape?
PhotoScape is available free to download here at the e d of article.
Install and Run:
Download the file and navigate to the folder. Double click to install.